The WODcast Podcast

Ron Mathews, who's opening Reebok CrossFit Lab (in West Hollywood, CA) joins Kenny Kane and Armen Hammer as they discuss his training history, competing as a decathlete in college, his current numbers as a CrossFitter (for example a sub 4 minute King Kong), his first experience with CrossFit, thoughts on building weight classes into CrossFit competitions, answering questions from Facebook, opening a Reebok gym in Los Angeles, and his relationship with Reebok.

Direct download: episode_34.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:17pm PDT

Dusty Hyland joins Kenny Kane and Armen Hamner as they chat about Crush Cancer, Eddie's absence, Armen getting pulled over for j-walking, coaching handstands and muscle ups, and recovering from a badass injury.

Direct download: Episode_33.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am PDT

Tim Thackrey (owner of CF High Voltage) joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they catch up with Armen's week off, Eddie's sprained ankle, chat about Tim's background in martial arts, what it was like living at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado, compare Tim's snatch and clean and jerks with Armen's lifts, what it was like to compete as a world class badass, and how he started his CrossFit gym and grew it to where it is today.

Direct download: Episode_32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07am PDT

Sean Waxman joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about being a competive weightlifter. The guys read some questions for Sean from the fans about techique and form.

Direct download: Episode_31.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 9:34pm PDT

Join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer on this special trip to Cross Fit LA. We have a jammed packed episode with Andy Petranek, Andrea Ager, Fitness Lonnie, "The Apostles" John and Paul, and friend to the show Cory Reed.  

Direct download: Episode_30.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:13am PDT

Special vegan guests Todd Spradlin and Dizzle Rivera join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about being a vegan CrossFitter, prejudice against vegans, sources of protein, and the benefits of being vegan.

Direct download: Episode_29.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:04am PDT

Corey Reed joins Coach Kenny Kane, comedian Eddie Ifft, and athlete Armen Hammer on episode 29 of the Wodcast Podcast as they catch up after four weeks off, chat about Corey's training, Corey's decision to compete as a blind CrossFitter, setting up a blind competition between Armen and Corey, and applying natural athleticism as an adaptive athlete.
Direct download: Episode_28.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:52pm PDT

Andrea Ager joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they discuss her college track experience, competing at the 2012 SoCal Regionals, not making it to the Games, drug testing at the Games, Project Agerbomb, and her training

Direct download: Episode_27.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:42pm PDT

Andy Thompson, owner of CrossFit Hollywood and Position Apperal, joins the Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they talk about Anthos and CrossFit, the split with JP and Brick, CrossFit comps and inflation, training, and Andy's apparel company 'Position Apparel'
Direct download: Episode_26.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:14am PDT

Scott McGee joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they discuss coughing up blood, CrossFit SWAT competitions, guns and their place in the US, mental toughness, and Scott's thoughts on the Games.
Direct download: Episode_25.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 8:21pm PDT