The WODcast Podcast

Join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they take a look back of some of the best moments of 2012.

Direct download: episode_44.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 5:28pm PST

Owner of CrossFit Paradiso, Dave 'Diso' Paradiso joins Eddie, Kenny, and Armen as they chat about Eddie's non-injuries, puking during workouts, Armen's training, messing with our listeners, Diso's experience opening his gym, and answer questions from the listeners.

Direct download: Episode_43.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:28am PST

Nutritionist Nell Stephenson joins Eddie, Kenny, and Armen as they catch up with Eddie and Armen, chat about Nell's intro to Paleo and Dr Cordain, the challenges of finding balance in the world of Paleo and CrossFit,  the protein in Paleo, and answer questions from listeners about drinking, performance, supplements, and more.

Direct download: Episode_42.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:15am PST

Coach Chris Mello joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they catch up with Eddie and Armen, chat about The Outlaw Open, the growth of the Games, how Chris moved from Santa Monica to South Dakota and opening the first CrossFit box in that state, and finishing up by answering questions from the listeners.

Direct download: Episode_41.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:53am PST

Fake gym owners and athletes Danny Lesslie and Logan Gelbrich join Kenny Kane and Armen Hammer as they discuss competing at regionals, owning a gym and gym loyalty, #FakeGym and the start of Functional Fitness on the Bluffs, competing at CFLA while owning another gym, failing gyms, turnover in gyms, the importance of blogs to growing a community, choosing between affiliating and staying unaffiliated.

Direct download: Episode_40.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10am PST

Athlete and coach JP Perelmutter join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they discuss Anthos, more cock injuries, and CrossFit's growth as a sport and business.

Direct download: Episode_39.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:03am PST

Dat Phan joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft and Armen Hammer as they discuss penis injuries, steroids in CrossFit, Dat Phan's CrossFit experience, being healthy as a professional traveling comedian, how Kenny and Dat bonded over pre-comedy mobilizing, Kenny's sweatsuit dance party, Eddie's plans in Kansas City, the comedians' bad experiences as performers, and CrossFit escalation.
Direct download: Episode_38.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:08am PST

Sal Masekela joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about Sal and Kenny's weekend up at The Pit with John Hackleman, political correctness, swimming with sharks, who's got more balls between extreme athletes and fighters, Sal's exit from the ESPN X-Games, and CrossFit's growth and the future monetization of CrossFit.
Direct download: Episode_37.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:54am PST

Join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer while they talk with parpicipants from the Crush Cancer fundriser. 
Direct download: Episode_36.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:30pm PST

Justin Flynn of Orange Coast CrossFit joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they catch up on Eddie's travels, chat about surfing goofy foot and what that means, how Justin found CrossFit in the jungles of Indonesia, the birth of Orange Coast CrossFit, his new competition box and the difference between training and working out, the nutrition of elite CrossFitters, the saturation of CrossFit gyms, and his Phenom clothing line.

Direct download: Episode_35.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:20am PST

Ron Mathews, who's opening Reebok CrossFit Lab (in West Hollywood, CA) joins Kenny Kane and Armen Hammer as they discuss his training history, competing as a decathlete in college, his current numbers as a CrossFitter (for example a sub 4 minute King Kong), his first experience with CrossFit, thoughts on building weight classes into CrossFit competitions, answering questions from Facebook, opening a Reebok gym in Los Angeles, and his relationship with Reebok.

Direct download: episode_34.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:17pm PST

Dusty Hyland joins Kenny Kane and Armen Hamner as they chat about Crush Cancer, Eddie's absence, Armen getting pulled over for j-walking, coaching handstands and muscle ups, and recovering from a badass injury.

Direct download: Episode_33.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:00am PST

Tim Thackrey (owner of CF High Voltage) joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they catch up with Armen's week off, Eddie's sprained ankle, chat about Tim's background in martial arts, what it was like living at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado, compare Tim's snatch and clean and jerks with Armen's lifts, what it was like to compete as a world class badass, and how he started his CrossFit gym and grew it to where it is today.

Direct download: Episode_32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07am PST

Sean Waxman joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about being a competive weightlifter. The guys read some questions for Sean from the fans about techique and form.

Direct download: Episode_31.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 9:34pm PST

Join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer on this special trip to Cross Fit LA. We have a jammed packed episode with Andy Petranek, Andrea Ager, Fitness Lonnie, "The Apostles" John and Paul, and friend to the show Cory Reed.  

Direct download: Episode_30.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:13am PST

Special vegan guests Todd Spradlin and Dizzle Rivera join Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about being a vegan CrossFitter, prejudice against vegans, sources of protein, and the benefits of being vegan.

Direct download: Episode_29.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:04am PST

Corey Reed joins Coach Kenny Kane, comedian Eddie Ifft, and athlete Armen Hammer on episode 29 of the Wodcast Podcast as they catch up after four weeks off, chat about Corey's training, Corey's decision to compete as a blind CrossFitter, setting up a blind competition between Armen and Corey, and applying natural athleticism as an adaptive athlete.
Direct download: Episode_28.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:52pm PST

Andrea Ager joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they discuss her college track experience, competing at the 2012 SoCal Regionals, not making it to the Games, drug testing at the Games, Project Agerbomb, and her training

Direct download: Episode_27.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:42pm PST

Andy Thompson, owner of CrossFit Hollywood and Position Apperal, joins the Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they talk about Anthos and CrossFit, the split with JP and Brick, CrossFit comps and inflation, training, and Andy's apparel company 'Position Apparel'
Direct download: Episode_26.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:14am PST

Scott McGee joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they discuss coughing up blood, CrossFit SWAT competitions, guns and their place in the US, mental toughness, and Scott's thoughts on the Games.
Direct download: Episode_25.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 8:21pm PST

Katie Hogan joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they catch up on what's going on with Armen's blog, discuss training for the Games, competing vs commentating, and how she'd love to date Armen.

Direct download: EPISODE_24.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:58am PST

Join Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, Armen Hammer and Machete the Sound Guy as they record guerilla style from the 2012 Competitive Exercise Games.  With plenty of guests and some surprises, you definitely won't wanna miss these!
Direct download: Episode_23.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:44am PST

Join Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, Armen Hammer and Machete (the Sound Guy) as they record guerilla style from the 2012 Competitive Exercise Games.  With plenty of guests and some surprises, you definitely won't wanna miss these!
Direct download: Episode_22.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 9:47pm PST

Matt Willis, wide receiver for the Denver Broncos, joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they chat about the announced Games events, playing in the NFL, the mental side of competition, and the comparison between competitive exercisers and NFL players.

Direct download: Episode_21.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:15am PST

übermensch Mark Divine of SealFit joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as we discuss the tenets  of SealFit, what it does, the similarities between SealFit and CrossFit, the importance of breath, and strategies for developing mental toughness.

Direct download: Episode_20.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:33am PST

Ruth Anderson Horrell joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they talk about what's been going on with The Naked CrossFitter, Ruth's training, how wonderful New Zealand accents are bru, and what's really involved with sheep farming.
Direct download: Episode_19.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 11:30pm PST

Fitness Lonnie joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they discuss where he came from, how his vids are going, and how he's homeless (seriously) and living the dream.
Direct download: Episode_18.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 7:24pm PST

Lindsey Valenzuela and her husband Arsenio join Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they discuss Lindsey's Games experiences, the future of the Games, her training and recovery, where the Games are going, and Armen's CrossFit crushes.
Direct download: Episode_17.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Lindsey Valenzuela and her husband Arsenio join Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they discuss Lindsey's Games experiences, the future of the Games, her training and recovery, where the Games are going, and Armen's CrossFit crushes.
Direct download: Episode_16.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 1:31am PST

Dr. Lindsey Mathews joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they discus common CrossFit injuries, Eddie's numerous injuries, the lifetime of an elite CrossFitter, and CrossFitting while pregnant.
Direct download: Episode_15.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:30pm PST

Scott McGee joins Eddie Ifft,  Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer for episode 14 of the Wodcast Podcast where we discuss CrossFit for SWAT, the origin of event 1 from the 2011 Games, catch lines, and how CrossFit helps foot pursuits.

Direct download: Episode_14.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:34pm PST

Jordan Gravatt of CrossFit Media and CrossFit by Overload joins Kenny Kane, Eddie Ifft, and Armen Hammer as they talk about media, the growth of CrossFit, traveling with the media crew, and the future of all media as we know it.

Direct download: Episode_13.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 8:41am PST

Tait Fletcher joins Eddie, Kenny, and Armen as they chat about Tait's past in MMA, the development of CrossFit as a sport, sports as a path to self growth, and the best way to empty a room (the answer is really bad supplement farts).
Direct download: Episode_12.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Andy Petranek, owner of CrossFit Los Angeles, one of the original affiliates, joins Kenny, Eddie, and Armen as they talk about the growth of CrossFit, what it was like in the early 2000s, adventure racing, and how shitty anal fissures can get.
Direct download: Episode_11.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:48pm PST

Sean Waxman joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer at the Wodcast Podcast as they discuss Olympic weightlifting in Crossfit and around the world, steroid use in sports, and how you should approach your own weightlifting training!

Direct download: Episode_10.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 9:40pm PST

Sean Waxman joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer at the Wodcast Podcast as they discuss Olympic weightlifting in Crossfit and around the world, steroid use in sports, and how you should approach your own weightlifting training!

Direct download: Episode_9.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:09am PST

Corey Reed, adaptive athlete, joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer they talk about how Corey is still a better athlete even though he's blind and has only one leg, the mental fortitude required to grow past life changing circumstances, and why you shouldn't fart around blind guys.

Direct download: Episode_8.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 5:56am PST

Sal Masekela joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer on a new episode of the Wodcast Podcast and talk about Sal's extreme sports background, ESPN, eastern Euro porn, when Nike will take over CrossFit, and lots of surfing.

Direct download: Episode_7.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 10:16pm PST

Jarett Perelmutter joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they chat about Armen and JP's beef, training like you're willing to die, and why Ronnie Teasdale isn't such a douchebag after all.

Direct download: Episode_6.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:17am PST

Dusty Hyland of Dogtown CrossFit and CrossFit Gymnastics joins Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they chat about gymnastics, the future of the CrossFit Games, and why you'll never win.

Direct download: Episode_5.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:27am PST

Join Eddie Ifft, Kenny Kane, and Armen Hammer as they catch up on the first three weeks of the 2012 Open, covering topics ranging from the Russian sports aerobic’s 161 reps on 12.1 to Fitness Lonnie’s brand of CrossFit videos to Armen’s feud with Pukie on The Naked CrossFitter.

Direct download: Episode_4.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:00am PST

On this episode of the WODCast Podcast, the guys chat about nutrition, what a team of CrossFit misfits would look like, and even touch on the effects of sex on athletic performance.

Direct download: Episode_3.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Sandy Hill, a mountaineer and adventurer joins the guys and talk about climbing the Seven Summits, some crazy stories of her adventures and the guys chat about why CrossFitters get so obsessed with CrossFit. 

Direct download: Episode_2.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 12:00am PST

On this episode of the WODCast Podcast, Eddie Ifft and Armen "The Naked CrossFitter" Hammer introduce themselves and chat a little about how they ended up on a filthy couch in Venice talking about how ridiculous exercise is.  They're joined by Kenny Kane, coach of the CrossFit LA competition team.

Direct download: WODCAST_1.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 3:00pm PST