Wed, 29 October 2014
Jamie Hagiya joins Armen Hammer, Eddie Ifft, and Scott McGee as they chat about The CrossFit Games Invitational, athleticism, Regionals 2015, then get into the Question of the Week, then talk about Jamie's Achilles tear, her athletic career, transitioning into CrossFit, Eddie's travels, then get into the lightning round.
Wed, 22 October 2014
Baker Leavitt joins Armen Hammer and Scott McGee as they chat about Popeyes, the family business, Grid, take a call in from Kelsey Nagel, the question of the week, the 3 Wise Men and Slave Stealer charity events, and the listener questions during the lightning round.
Wed, 15 October 2014
Andy Petranek and Carter Gaffney join Armen Hammer and Scott McGee as they chat about how each of them found CrossFit and when they started their gym, Nike's lawsuit against CF City Place, get into the Question of the Week, how Andy and Carter opened their respective boxes, then get into listener questions during the lightning round.
Wed, 8 October 2014
Tina Angelotti joins Armen Hammer and Scott McGee as they chat about Armen's redemption back tuck, the GRID Championships and Tina's experience in GRID, possible new CrossFit Games season changes, the Listener Question of the Week, how Tina got into CrossFit, then get into the lightning round.
Wed, 1 October 2014
Derrick Johnson, David Paradiso, and James McCoy join Armen Hammer, Eddie Ifft, and Scott McGee as they chat about nicknames in CrossFit, how badass masters athletes are in CrossFit, the escalation of fitness, Derrick's weightlifting numbers and upcoming competition, the qualifying process for the Olympics, PEDs in weightlifting and other sports in the US and across the world, Paradiso's video library on YouTube, get into the Caption of the Week, the growth and development of Paradiso CrossFit, then get into the listener questions during the lightning round.